3 Scientific Air Purifier Terms Decoded

March 07, 2025 | 07:23 PM


It has been more than two years since the pandemic hit us and a considerable part of these two years were spent at home for all of us. Amid this crisis also came increased awareness. Awareness of our own and our loved ones’ health and safety, precautions to be illness-free and most of all, a change in lifestyle to better our mind and body.

A small yet important part of these lifestyle changes included living in a relatively clean environment. In India especially, the Air Quality Index reached its worst and many of us were worried about the same. Since most of our time was and continues to be spent indoors, the best air purifiers in India came to our rescue. However, here too there was a lack of awareness, and the overload of information may have made us take some hasty decisions that lead to choosing only a half-decent air purifier.

Yet, it is better late than never! To choose the best room air purifiers for the coming year, here are 3 important scientific terms decoded for us to understand the functioning of our air purifiers a bit better.

streamer-discharge-technology-img Streamer Discharge Technology - Daikin’s patented Streamer Discharge Technology is all about expelling the purest air possible. Scientifically, it is a type of plasma discharge which generates high speed electrons that combine with oxygen and nitrogen in the air and turn into active species with strong oxidative decomposition powers. What this means is that this activated species clashes with allergens, pollens and other hazardous substances, cycles with it (deodorizes it) and cleans it, thus delivering purer air. Daikin’s patented Streamer Discharge Technology is proven to work against 99.9% of the novel coronavirus.


active-plasma-ion Active Plasma Ion – If you see a Daikin Air Purifier with a separate indicator of an Active Plasma Ion technology, do not worry, it is not another scientific term we need to research on. Active Plasma Ion is essentially part of the Streamer Discharge Technology which releases 25,000 ions per cm3, which ultimately combines with the allergens and decomposes them. They mainly attach themselves to the surface of fungi and allergens and decompose proteins in the air by oxidation.


electrostatic-hepa-filterElectrostatic HEPA Filter – HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Absorbing and is known to remove 99.97% of fine particles. The Electrostatic HEPA Filter is a high performing filter with an optimal air purifying technique. The filter collects minute dust particles efficiently with electrostatic forces. Electrostatic filters purify larger amounts of air as they do not just collect the dust particles on the mesh and clog it, but instead, absorb the dust particles with static electricity, giving way to more collection of dust and more purified air. It also captures and decomposes molds and mites among other allergens to make them an important feature for the best room air purifiers.

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